Three common cause of shin splints

Shin splints are a common injury for runners and athletes. Find out what the three most common causes are and how to prevent the

Should you See a Podiatrist for Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toenails are a condition in which the corner or side of your nail grows into soft tissue.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome: symptoms, causes and treatment

Tarsal tunnel syndrome occurs when the Tibial nerve runs through your ankle and causes it to become inflamed or swollen

Walk before you run Returning from a running injury

Returning from an injury can be daunting, but starting off slowly is essential

High ankle sprain? We can help

A high ankle sprain, also known as a syndesmosis injury, is a common sporting injury.

Why you should see a sports podiatrist for a toe fracture

Toe fractures are a common type of injury, usually resulting from a sudden impact

Clinical Ultrasound in diagnosis

Clinical ultrasound can help with an accurate diagnosis, which is key to obtaining the best treatment outcomes.

What is Mortons Neuroma

This article will tell you about Morton's neuroma symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this painful condition.

Stress Fractures What You Need to Know

Stress fractures can quickly turn into serious injuries that limit activity if they are not diagnosed promptly

Shin Splints What Causes It

If you have experienced the pain of shin splints, then this article will help you understand what causes it, how it is diagnosed